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Daflon 500mg For Haemorrhoids Treatment
$29.90 $48.90
SKU 01122001001
DAFLON 500mg diosmin and hesperidin has proven its superior clinical efficacy by at least 30% over nonmicronized ordinary due to unique high-tech micronization technology.
Daflon 500mg 30'S For Hemorrhoids And Varicose Veins
DAFLON’s active ingredient is a micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF). It is composed of citrus bioflavonoids, containing 90% diosmin and 10% other flavonoids expressed as hesperidin.
- Protects venous valves from inflammation, preventing the appearance of venous reflux.
- Protects the venous circulation from the inflammatory disease and makes the increases capillary resistance.
- Relieves tired and heavy legs, pain and cramps and the swelling of legs
- Treats chronic hemorrhoids and acute hemorrhoidal attacks
- Reduces venous distensibility and venous stasis
- Normalizes capillary permeability and reinforces capillary resistance
In acute hemorrhoidal disease attacks, take 6 tablets daily (in 3 divided doses) for 3 to 4 days, then 4 tablets daily (in 2 divided doses)
In chronic conditions (e.g. tired and heavy legs, pain and cramps, leg swelling), take 2 tablets daily in two divided doses, in the morning and evening at mealtimes
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